Pumpkin Soup
After devouring our pumpkin pies over the holiday, I needed a recipe to use up our extra cooked pie pumpkin flesh. There are many delicious pumpkin soup recipes out there that use coconut milk which contains saturated fat. We tried The Simple Veganista’s Pumpkin Soup recipe that uses red lentils. It quickly became a favorite. While my kids think it’s a shame we did not make more pies with the leftovers (they could eat pie everyday), I absolutely love this recipe. I was out of fresh parsley and thyme so substituted dry ingredients for those: ¼ tsp thyme & ½ tsp parsley. Since my pie pumpkin was already cooked, I added it in after the lentils were cooked. It freezes well too!
The recipe calls for Better than Bouillon so I tried it. I was shocked to see it contains 750mg of sodium per 1 tsp so I grabbed the lower sodium one. I failed to see the lower sodium contains maltodextrin, a highly processed food additive linked to intestinal health and glucose issues. Three of us in our family have significant, unpleasant reactions when we consume any amount of maltodextrin so I had to throw it out. Plus, even the low sodium version has more sodium per 8 fluid ounces than the Pacific Brand foods version I normally buy. Therefore, I will continue to use the low sodium vegetable broth from Pacific Foods. I only suggest products I actually use, get no payment from the manufacturer but have included an Amazon affiliate link below. Of course, you can always make a big batch of broth and freeze it so you have ultimate control of the sodium levels.
Recipe: https://tinyurl.com/yjfy33ef
Low sodium vegetable broth: https://amzn.to/3XGiHLd (affiliate link)
Maltodextrin information for diabetes: https://tinyurl.com/3e43yext
Maltodextrin information for gut health: https://tinyurl.com/bebhe5sz (about 4 min. mark)
For more: www.feelplantiful.com
#thesimpleveganista #plantbasednutrition #wholefoodplantbased #feelplantiful